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Through efficient methods of artistic project management, promotion and marketing, as well as innovative actions, Prestigo provides its artists with concrete results, based on experience acquired across Canada since 2006.

daniel coutu

Daniel Coutu

Daniel Coutu Magician

Daniel Coutu has been into magic since the age of 7. From a simple hobby, he has turned it into a real passion. He creates extraordinary acts that combine humour, animation, theater, science and, of course, music. To date, with his show Science ou Magie, over 600,000 people across Canada have witnessed his astounding talent! A magician, host and singer, Daniel Coutu is breaking new ground with a proposal that combines magic and music! Daniel also hosts the TV shows Par ici la magie and Code MAX on ICI Radio-Canada.

Yan Imbault

Geocircus Atlas

Yan Imbault, aka Atlas GéoCircus, has been actively involved in circus arts since 2001. From juggler to stilt-walker to animator, this man of a thousand talents is sure to delight young and old alike with his creations! After winning over many families with nearly 500 performances across Canada, Atlas GéoCircus, a 2nd opus of his show accompanied by a musical album, was launched in 2015. Yan has also appeared on TFO’s children’s TV shows Au Défi! and Les Hippaloulas.

Carolyne Mailhot


Carolyne has been singing, acting, writing plays and dancing ever since she was a little girl. She’s always been very curious, so she didn’t hesitate to dive into Kalimba’s great adventure. Energetic, colorful, curious and passionate, it’s with all her enthusiasm that she hopes to give children the courage they need to fulfill their dreams. After more than 700 performances of Kalimba’s shows, Carolyne dons the costume of Kalimba and her show Ça Déménage! Her many talents are still on display, as she sings, dances and skilfully handles the percussion instruments.

Christopher James Legrove

Zak: Challenge Tamer

A theater graduate of John Abbott College and a self-taught circus performer, Christopher Legrove is a multi-talented, multi-disciplinary artist who has been working with young people since 2009. Although his work takes him all over the world for different opportunities, he always comes back to his main passion: working with children. In the course of his career, he has worn many hats, including flight attendant, educator, lifeguard and, above all, entertainer.

Marc Trudel

Marc Trudel Magician

Two-time Canadian magic champion and first recipient of the Grand Prix de Magie Michel Cailloux, Marc Trudel is established not only as an experienced professional magician, but also as a creator, author of several books, consultant and teacher respected by his peers. He has been presenting magic shows since 2002.