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Carolyne Mailhot


Carolyne has been singing, acting, writing plays and dancing ever since she was a little girl. She’s always been very curious, so she didn’t hesitate to dive into Kalimba’s great adventure. Energetic, colorful, curious and passionate, it’s with all her enthusiasm that she hopes to give children the courage they need to fulfill their dreams.

After more than 700 performances of Kalimba’s shows, Carolyne dons the costume of Kalimba and her show Ça Déménage! Her many talents are still on display, as she sings, dances and skilfully handles the percussion instruments.

Video: Being "like everyone else" is boring!

Video: Yes you and me

Game: The challenge of rhythm with body percussion.


Kalimba's diary

It’s the big return of Kalimba! Young people’s favorite percussionist-singer. This time Kalimba seeks to overcome several challenges. It is by using rhythm and music that she will try to create learning tools and strategies specific to her… and perhaps to others too. Drums, electronic coat, body percussion and songs serve as instruments that help him concentrate, keep focus when everything is going too fast and also relieve pressure. Let’s give way to the expression of our emotions to clean up our heads! His diary!? This is the heart of his story. It is inside that she stores her entire brain. her entire brain. Participation guaranteed!

Using rhythm and music, Kalimba creates tools and strategies her audiences with her sublime voice.
5 to 12 years

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