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Atlas in space

After visiting the 4 corners of a round planet, Atlas Géocircus, looks up to the sky and sets off to conquer space. Destination: infinity! A “truly spatial” circus show where, through a clownish adventure, the greatest expedition of all time is planned. Planets, moons, rings, comets, gravity, space waste and galaxies, Atlas explores it all with its audience of curious young people. Atlas will seek answers to the biggest existential questions: can we juggle on the moon? Can we make wire between 2 stars? Where is the cosmos? Rediscover this playful and intergalactic globetrotter, tightrope walker and comet juggler in his brand new show which combines circus, interstellar humor and above all, which offers an experience opening a door to the Milky Way and the stars… See you in the depths of the galaxy !

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